Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Ministry Day 2 With The Kids

God is awesome!!  That’s how I can sum up our second day.  Yesterday our group went away a little discouraged.  I think we wanted to connect with the kids so bad we expected it to be a breeze.  The kids however were a little wary of us.  The morning class was chaotic and the afternoon group was standoffish.  I know we all prayed last night for a smoother day and to allow us to make a connection with the kids.

Today as my group (Karen, Tyler, Michael, Kamran and myself) approached our morning class they were singing our class chant with huge smiles waiting to greet us.  That was God showing us that he is awesome and answer prayers!  Our morning went great as we learned about David and Johnathan and the commitment they had to one another.  Our verse for the day was Psalms 37:5.  The kids made up movements to go along with the verse and we filmed it for a slideshow later this week.  We played a relay race with a ball and had a cup stacking challenge.  The kids were so loving today and didn’t want us to leave.  God is awesome!

We broke for lunch and had chicken, beans, rice and coleslaw at a restaurant named Tina’s.  It was so good.  Then we went to a local gift shop to buy souvenirs.

The afternoon class was awesome as well!  The kids were happy to see us back.  They really go into making up actions to go along with the memory verse for the day.  We had them make hearts to thank their teacher for the commitment she has made to them.  The things they wrote really touched my heart.  These kids who seemed so disconnected yesterday showed tons of love for their teacher today!  We split the boys and girls up to spend some one on one time with them.  The guys took the boys and talked about commitment and played basketball.  Karen and I kept the girls and had “girl talk”.  They really opened up and talked about their families, favorite things, what they are good at and what job they wanted.  We had doctors, teachers, accountant and one girl wanted to work as a doctor on a cruise ship.  It gave us a chance to get to know them better J

Chef Rob made us a wonderful dinner tonight.  Larry led our devotional.  He spoke about how God laid these works we are doing long before we ever even knew.  All the glory goes to Him.  We are just the hands and feet that go before him.  We ended with worship on the pier and sang many songs that I felt touched each of us in our own way.  I definitely felt God’s presence there on that pier!


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